Some Knowledge by Chris Mesunas

By Chris Mesunas

Here are some suggestions for doing what we most undoubtedly teach our children:
1. Money comes with responsibility
2. Never spend more than you can afford
3. Work from a budget that outlines your income, fixed and discretionary expenses
4. Actively save each pay period (pay yourself first!
5. Establish and build an emergency fund of liquid assets
6. Never charge more than you can pay off with ease
7. Use your wealth to help others too
8. The idea that “He who dies with the most toys wins” is just not true
9. Money is a tool and not an end
10. Think about what’s really important to you and create a plan to get there
As adults, we still have time to influence our children to have a better, more responsible financial life. It’s important to start early and reinforce these rules to live by regularly. These are the messages they will live by and then pass on to their own children. This is how we lift our nation out of debt. This is the only way to break out of the destructive cycle of financial irresponsibility and misery. Along with seat belts and designated drivers, this is just another way we keep our children safe.

Best of Wishes- Christopher Mesunas

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